3 research outputs found

    Energy analysis of a fruit drying plant in Adeiso, Ghana

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    The purpose of the project has been to work out recommendations that reduce the energy-related costs and environmental impact of HPW Fresh & Dry Ltd., a fruit drying factory in Ghana. The factory produces electricity with diesel and biogas but also purchases electricity from the national electricity company. Heat for the drying process is produced from biogas, kerosene and solar panels. In the project the energy system was analyzed by measuring production and consumption of heat and electricity. The project results show that the factory can become self-sufficient on heat if the available energy is used more efficient. The production units for both electricity and heat have low efficiencies. Inadequate insulation and sealing contributes to the poor performance of the heat system. The electricity measurements show that several electrical loads are unbalanced and that the three phase cooling machines are not fully utilized. The factory is recommended to invest in a new kerosene boiler and a roaster boiler for combustion of coconut waste. Furthermore, the biogas should be combusted in a boiler instead of in the now used combined heat and power engine (CHP), for improved utilization of the gas. Unused capacity of the three phase cooling machines could replace the less efficient single-phase cooling machines. Moreover, the electrical loads should be balanced and the usage of motors connected to the biogas plant minimized. By insulating pipings and seal leakages, heat losses and the need of cooling will decrease. Finally, the factory is recommended to install automatic regulation of the boilers to avoid over-heating of the storage tank.Syftet med projektet har varit att ta fram rekommendationer för hur HPW Fresh & Dry Ltd., en frukttorkningsfabrik i Ghana, kan minska sina energirelaterade kostnader och sin miljöpÄverkan. Fabriken producerar el med diesel och biogas samt köper el frÄn nationella elbolaget. VÀrme till torkprocessen produceras med biogas, fotogen och solpaneler. I projektet analyserades energisystemet genom att mÀta produktion och konsumtion av vÀrme och el. Resultaten frÄn projektet visar att fabriken kan bli sjÀlvförsörjande pÄ vÀrme om den tillgÀngliga energin anvÀnds mer effektivt. Produktionsenheterna för bÄde el och vÀrme generellt har lÄga verkningsgrader. BristfÀllig isolering och tÀtning bidrar till den lÄga prestandan i vÀrmesystemet. ElmÀtningarna visar bland annat att flera elektriska laster Àr obalanserade samt att det finns outnyttjad kylkapacitet i fabrikens trefasiga kylmaskiner. Fabriken rekommenderas att investera i en ny fotogenvÀrmepanna samt en vÀrmepanna för förbrÀnning av kokosnötavfall. Vidare bör biogasen förbrÀnnas i en vÀrmepanna istÀllet för i den nu anvÀnda kraftvÀrmemotorn, för att bÀttre utnyttja gasen. Outnyttjad kylkapacitet pÄ de trefasiga kylmaskinerna kan ersÀtta mindre effektiva enfasiga kylmaskinerna. Dessutom bör de elektriska lasterna balanseras och driften av elmotorer till biogasanlÀggningen minimeras. Genom att isolera rör och tÀta vÀrmelÀckage kan vÀrmeförluster och kylbehov minskas. Slutligen rekommenderas fabriken att installera automatisk reglering av vÀrmepannorna för att undvika övervÀrmning av ackumulatortanken

    EnergisparlÀge i automationsindustrin : Potential för att minska tomgÄngsförluster med industriella styrsystem

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    Former studies have shown that a considerable part of industries’ energy usage can stem from idle times in the production. This thesis, carried out at Siemens Industry sector, evaluates the potential for using the control system to automatically put machines into energy saving mode during idle times. The main part of the thesis consists of a case study performed on machine tools at a Scania production site in SödertĂ€lje. Through load measurements the potential for energy savings was determined. The results show that there is a great potential for energy savings during idle times at the site. 20 to 50 percent of the machines’ energy usage can be reduced if they are put into energy saving mode when they are not used. However, the implementation of pause management in an existing control system is often too expensive to be motivated alone. Instead this should be considered before overhauls or rebuilds of machines and production sites. Another way of reducing costs can be to use a standard for pause management like PROFIenergy. A general conclusion is that industries with discrete manufacturing and long pause times have a great potential for energy savings. The same holds for machines with position control, such as robots and machine tools. The thesis also highlights the need for proper energy measurements at a production site in order to evaluate the potential for and results of an energy efficiency measure

    Measuring Acceleration in Vehicles using the AccBox System : Results and Discussion

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    The goal of the project was to measure accelerations in cars, buses and motorcycles. A cubic wooden box was built and three (two-axis) acceleration sensors were installed. A Matlab-program that filters the signal and calculates the acceleration components was developed. Measuring the angular acceleration was more complicated than expected. With the current setup and software the box only measures the linear accelerations in three dimensions. The accelerations of cars and buses tested never exceed 1 g under normal urban driving. The motorcycle tested reached 2 g accelerations in the x-y-plane and 4 g in the z-direction